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Freshcare Recognised Supplier

How We Make Organic Farming Compost and More

When vegetation is mulched into finer organic material, the resulting product provides the raw carbon source for our composts. Organics are repositioned to form windrows up to 100 metres in length. A range of different nitrogen sources can be added to achieve the desired nitrogen to carbon ratio.

Additional liquids are added to the compost rows to ensure moisture levels remain at 40-50%, encouraging optimal organics breakdown during the composting process. The windrows are turned on average about 40 times during their life cycle. The frequency of the turning is determined by regular temperature and moisture checks. Batches are aged for a minimum of 16 weeks.

Every windrow is sampled and stringently tested to ensure compliance and the Australian Standard AS4454 is achieved. These quality checks and balances ensure the end product is of the highest quality and fit for purpose.

Carbon Plus Compost has a purpose built Komptech X60 windrow turner to ensure optimal mixing and aeration. The finished product is screened to 16mm minus prior to sale.

The Carbon Plus Compost process has been inspected and received approval as a Freshcare recognised supplier.

Contact Carbon Plus Today to find out more about our premium organic composting process and how we can help you achieve better growth results

Nitrogen Draw Down

Nitrogen draw down occurs when nitrogen becomes unavailable to plants due to high levels of “raw and fresh” carbon materials such as sawdust are present in the soil. An immature compost will have the same effect on the soil.

All Carbon Plus Compost products have completed a full composting cycle, ensuring a well-balanced, mature finished product.

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Contact Us For All Your Premium Organic Compost Needs

Contact us now for all your compost and mulch requirements. From our home in Ipswich, we provide compost solutions all over southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales – call us today to find out more and get an obligation free quote. Alternatively, feel free to complete our online enquiry form and a member of our team will be in touch.

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